Boombs, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of MNR, which houses his mindless musings and lovely rantings. You're obviously permitted to look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - So don't take what's not yours ;)
fuhh ! penat ngedit !
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 @ 10:17 PM

          fuhh , bapak penat ! daripada semalam pukul 11 upload gamba internet lembab , sampai aku tetido , jaga pukul 3 dah abih bt semua tu berblog walking pulak. agak cantik la blog2 yang aku tengok, lepas tu jadi teringin nak buat blog bagi elok balikk , aku edit laa , mnx tlg syaza mirzaa, sibbek dia mau tolong, nak belanja dia makan bege kalot aihh, hahaha. macam mana blog aq ? cantik x ? kalo ad ap2 nak komen tu komen la na ?? x pyh malu2, jgn kutuk mlebih suda la , :)) berat mata ni, tak tido drp semalam, tp asa berbaloi la jugakk , hahaha. I LOVE U SO MUCH BEBE !